TPToA Podcast 365 – Jim Henson: Ideas Man

A well constructed documentary about a fascinating man, albeit a bit safe.
Ron Howard's exploration of Jim's life is by the numbers, but somewhat lacking in the energy or creativity that the subject would seemingly inspire.
Elske Norge
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Jim Henson: Ideas Man

In this review we have three muppets on display, though at least two of them are being poorly puppeteered, and one may in fact be a feral, or maybe even a “Feeble”. they are talking about the new Disney plus doco exploring the life and times of Jim Henson the creative powerhouse behind some of the most enduring and beloved characters of our time.

Dion is away, but Quinny, Jill and Peta are playing the music and lighting the lights on this muppet show tonight…


“Ideas Man” takes us into the mind of the singular creative visionary; Jim Henson, from his early years puppeteering on local television advertisements, to the worldwide success of Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, and beyond. Academy Award-winning filmmaker Ron Howard captures Henson’s restless creativity, ambition, and artistic evolution in the style and spirit of his complex subject.

A huge thank you to all our Whatnots and weirdos who have joined the chorus for the show each week, often bringing their own muppety weirdness to the proceedings, (we’re almost sure they see this as them joining in on the live-chat during the Twitch stream). If you haven’t done so before, come on down to the Muppet theatre for a live show with us 7:30pm next week, to join in on mayhem and felt-covered fun.

Special love and thanks goes to those who have financially bolstered this podcast via dropping some Muppet bucks, or Doozer sticks into our Ko-Fi jar and now also by subscribing on Twitch! Your generosity is always appreciated!

If you feel so inclined drop us a sub! The more subs we get the more Emotes You get! Every bit of your support helps us to keep the ping pong balls shines and the felt coats brushed.

Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!


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Throughout the podcast we mention another documentary about Jim Henson and for those of you eager to see what may actually be a better one that what we have reviewed, here it is below: