TPToA Podcast 360 – Dead Boy Detectives

Dead Boy Detectives

One bright day in the middle of the night, to dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. Or in this case, they started a detective agency, found a friendly psychic, a kawaii otaku and a badass butcher! They then had adventures in the Sandman adjacent universe of the Dead Boy Detectives! following on from an appearance in Doom Patrol this newly recast and reimagined story now nestles neatly in the Netflix fold.

The detectives this week are Jill, Dion and Peta, with Quinny most likely being the stool pigeon ratting out the baddies.

Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine decided not to enter the afterlife, to stay on Earth and investigate crimes that involve the supernatural. These two teenage ghosts work alongside a clairvoyant to solve mysteries for their ghostly clientele — until a powerful witch complicates their plans.

A huge thank you to all our undead and semi-passed on freinds who listen avidly to each show, spectrally joining in on the live-chat during the Twitch stream this week (and every week!). If you haven’t done so before, come and haunt the live show with us 7:30pm next Wednsday to join in on the spooky discussions.

Special love and thanks goes to those who have financially bolstered this podcast via the burning of ghost dollars into our Ko-Fi jar and now also by subscribing on Twitch! Your generosity is always appreciated!

If you feel so inclined drop us a sub! The more subs we get the more Emotes You get! Every bit of your support helps us to keep the doors open on our own cineamtic detective agency.

Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually within a day of recording. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!


Send in voicemails or emails with your opinions on this show (or any others) to [email protected]

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Two dead boys, a girl and a Butcher shop = A bunch of creepy fun.
The connection to the Sandman universe is nice, but it doesn't take anything away from a well conceived and executed horror inflected crime procedural. With a premise this solid it would be hard to screw it up, and thankfully they don't!
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