Dear Mr Reeves, are you back for the next instalment in the increasingly ridiculous John Wick action franchise?
… “Yeah, i’m thinking i’m back.”
In the world of assassins, tattooed phone operators and bullet ballet, John Wick may be the boogyman, but he may also be a demi-god of death.
The fourth film in a series rarely is as good as the preceding entries (looking at you Toy Story 4 and Matrix 4) so lets see if the John Wick Universe (the Wickiverse?) has the supernatural longevity of its leading man.
Dion, Jill and Quinny are spending their golden assassin coins on trying to convince Peta to light the candle with this fourth Wick.
As always, a massive thank you, to you the tattooed radio operators and random assassins who join in with the conversation on the Twitch stream, live and loud each Tuesday night at 7:30pm AEST. And an especially huge thanks to any of you killers, kind enough to support us by putting down a gold coin or two into our tip jar via Ko-Fi, or subscribing on Twitch… every bit helps us to purchase our next stockpile of martial arts weapons!
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Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!
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