TPToA Podcast 296 – Violent Night & Spirited

Two great tastes that taste great together
Violent Night is the blood soaked comedically violent antidote to all then schmaltzy Christmas cheer we are farce fed each year, while Spirited is possibly the icing on the cake for said schmaltz. Both fun and enjoyable in different ways.
Violent Night
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‘TIS THE SEASON to be jolly…or more like ’tis the season to be “pommely”! The Christmas spirit is alive and well with these two offerings to the Yuletide season!

On the first review of Christmas, Universal gave to us…a Violent Night. David Harbour is dressed for gritty success as jolly old Saint Nick, ready as ever to punish anyone on his “naughty” list. Way more fun than it deserves to be and a fun cinema escape this year

On the second review of Christmas, Apple TV+ gives us the joyous gift of Spirited! A Dickensian musical starring Ryan Reynolds that’s also a Christmas movie with Will Ferrel (that’s NOT Elf..?!). It’s an absolute delight and sure to drag the holiday spirit out of the most boring Scrooge.

Santa Jill is joined by Peta Claus, and their helper Elf Dion (or is that goblin?) taking on a double-feature full of sweetness & light, punishment & fight! Get into the Christmas spirit, no matter your taste in movies!

As always, a “Christmas Magic” thank you, to YOU the workshop elves and reindeer guiding us onwards, to the people who join in with the conversation on the Twitch stream, live and loud each Tuesday night at 7:30pm AEST. And an especially huge thanks to any of thee kind enough to support us by putting some of your hard earned peppermint candy into our tip jar via Ko-Fi, or subscribing on Twitch… every bit helps us to spread cheer next year!

If you feel so inclined drop us a sub we really love them, The more subs we get the more Emotes YOU get! Every bit of your support helps us to save a small child from getting on the Naughty List this year!

Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!

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Score Breakdown for those who care to look,


Violent Night – Jill 80, Dion 80, Chat 79, 89, 85

Average= 83%

Spirited – Jill 80, Dion 90, Peta 90 Chat 90

Average = 88%