Join us for our fangtastic review of the deadly Australian made AMC+ series Firebite.
Blood hunters are traditional Indigenous vampire hunters who have protected the country from European blood suckers for over 200 years. Now in the unforgiving environment of Opal City, their time is running out to finally end the vampires plot.
Peta, Jill, Dion and Quinny go down the vampire hole on this one to ask the question; “Is this is a deadly piece of homegrown horror? Or do these vamps just suck?”
A huge shout out to the blood hunters and blood suckers who joined in the conversation on the live-chat during the Twitch stream this week (and every week!) Thank you all for joining us each Tuesday night, and if you haven’t done so before, mosey on over at 7:30pm next Tuesday to get in on the action.
Special love and thanks goes to those who HAVE tossed a coin at their local vampire-hunting franchise… namely us, financially bolstering this podcast via our Ko-Fi jar and now also by subscribing on Twitch! Your generosity is always appreciated!
If you feel so inclined drop us a sub! The More subs we get the more Emotes You get! Every bit of your support helps us to keep the monsters from the door each and every night!
Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!
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