The Matrix changed film-making forever with its smart blending of groundbreaking technology and anime-inflected storytelling, underpinned by a philosophical exploration of theories and ideas that were relevant to the audience of its day. It was a touchstone moment for a generation and the start of a whole new wave of cyberpunk cinema. The inclusion of anime tie-ins, video-game extensions to cinematic narratives, sequels, prequels, MMO games, and comics all made this probably the first cohesive, fully planned out, transmedia, multi-modal story-experience attempted on such a grand scale.
If none of that made much sense to you, then you’re not alone.
The Matrix: Resurrections stands on the black leather clad shoulders of greatness and entirely fails to do anything of interest up there.
Our heroic humans in the “Desert of the Real” Peta and Jill provide long suffering support to the two fools stuck playing dress-ups in the Matrix; Quinny and Dion. Will they manage to extract them before they become human D-Cel Batteries?
Follow the white rabbit to find out!
Thanks to all you programs and Modal-Nodes who rez in to the Twitch stream, each Tuesday night at 7:30pm AEDT! And an even more special thank you to those of you whose bitcoin mining operations allow you to help us; your ongoing support of us in our endeavours is hugely appreciated! Your Dogecoins dropping directly via our Ko-Fi jar and also your subs to our gleaming, cube-like, Deja-Vu ridden channel on Twitch are a godsend to us!
If you like what we do drop us a sub! Every bit of your support helps us to (hopefully) keep the Matrix’s lights on long enough to keep you all safe!
Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the live recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!
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