Shhh! Be vewy vewy quiet… we’re being hunted wike wabbits. Hunted by tewwifying, howwible monsters who can hear our evwy sound and will kiw us wiv barewy a fought! It’s not wabbit season. it’s US season… hurhurhur.
In this world Elmer Fudd is deader than disco. But our review isn’t!
Jill, Dion, Peta and Quinny all get our ASMR pants on and go heading into the woods with John Krasinksi and Emily Blunt for their two-part horror, magnum opus: A Quiet Place Parts 1 and 2. Two films that prove that sometimes the most terrifying monster of all ISN’T man, but in fact man’s inability to do quality woodwork.
A super quiet “thank you” to all the whispering, quiet-typists who keep the fires burning each week, defending our live-chat during the Twitch stream! Join us, QUIETLY…. each Tuesday night at 7:30pm to get in on the action.
An extra huge thanks goes to those generous supporters who have been kind enough to financially bolster this podcast via our Ko-Fi jar and now also by subscribing on Twitch!
If you like what we do, drop us a sub! The More subs we get the more Emotes You get! Every bit of your support helps us to keep the signal fires going strong each and every night!
Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!
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