This week in the podcast we’re hitting the open road with our hybrid and looking towards the clean green future. It’s not a hybrid car though, it’s Sweet Tooth! And the green future is mostly due to the imminent extinction of the human race. Gus as he’s known to his friends, is the most loveable post apocalyptic deer-boy you’ll meet in this or any other pandemic, and his adventures on Netflix may well change the entire world.
In the absence of Dion, Quinny will be playing the part of ‘Big Man’ while Peta and Jill are the gorgeous hybrids making up the rest of this wonderful menagerie of misfits!
A huge shout-out to the magnificent menagerie of weird and wonderful hybrids who join in with our moderated live-chat during the Twitch stream, each Tuesday night at 7:30pm AEST. And especially to those who have decided to drop some bottle-caps… oh hang on thats Fallout… Thanks for supporting us directly via our Ko-Fi jar and now also by subscribing on Twitch! You ALL rock!
If you like what we do, drop us a sub! Every bit of your support helps us to (hopefully) keep entertaining you!
Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!
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