We are doing double duty of Disney/Pixar as we explore the meta-textual madness of a movie about a toy from a movie about toys that wanted to be real… and another movie about real cartoons who wanted to become movie stars, but reality got in the way. We swear It all makes sense in the end, probably!
Peta, Jill Dion and Quinny are the meta-morphosing mad-folks running this asylum/show… and if it were any more meta-textual Mark Zuckerberg would be suing it for copyright infringement…
A huge thank you to every single space ranger (or space cadet) joining in on the live-chat during the Twitch stream this week and every week each Tuesday night… If you haven’t done so before join us in infinity…and BEYOND! 7:30pm next Tuesday!
Special love and thanks goes to those of you who have financially bolstered this podcast via our Ko-Fi jar and now also by subscribing on Twitch! Your generosity in helping us get closer to buying our very own Sox… no, we aren’t sharing him.
If you feel inclined, “drop us a sub”. The more subscriptions we get, the more Emotes you.The more emotes we get, the closer we get to a “But Why” Emote! Every bit of your stinky cheese helps us to keep the magic happening.
Don’t fret if you can’t be there for the recording though as you can catch them on Youtube usually later that very night. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss them!
Send in voicemails or emails with your opinions on this show (or any others) to [email protected]
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